

The rainy season used to be a good and memorable season in the village before this new life.  Before the season, boys; young and old would clear farmlands for farmers. This is to allow the grasses to rot into the soil thus fertilizing it, awaiting the wet season. When the wet season comes, it would be time for tilling.  The boys, young and old would cultivate the lands for the farmers and receive their pay. When the farms begin to grow grasses, the female, young and old, weed the farms and are paid. Sometimes, they form groups; each person collecting a given piece of job as a contract and negotiating the payment with the owner. Then they start the work one after another. The money from each finished job goes to the pocket of the contractor who had collected the job. He could then buy whatever he needed or put a portion in a pool (save) in preparation for the great “ Eje-Alekwu ”, Easter or Christmas celebration which were always accompanied by one or the other cultural fest


Do you know that you can have plenty of money and still go hungry?  You can be in water and still be thirsty.  The U.S dollar for instance, is one of highest currency, a benchmark for measuring the value of money as far as the world economy is concerned presently. But imagine yourself in a local market, with plenty of dollars on you. This is a place where there's no bureau de change; where you cannot change your dollar into naira.  The local sellers have no use for the dollar because they live their lives on the local hard currency they earn every day from selling their wares.  What do you think your dollars be to you in a place like that? A bunch of papers don't you think?  Some of the sellers may even pick a quarrel with you as they'd feel mocked.  This exemplifies the life of the biblical prodigal son. He had all he could ever need back home but had decided to sojourn into a foreign land where life had turned him into a mere slave, struggling for food with pi


STREAM OF OUR FOREFATHERS. Your deep bosom has been laid bare With it, the pride and price of our culture and tradition The machine that worked on your body lie still Plunging into the deep forests of our land Mowing and laying them bare for sports and games Our young learn not how to hold the hoe Nor know where or how to bend in tilling Our young girls learn not how to grind at the stones  Nor how to cook at the hearth Getting plucked in their buds before they’re ripe The bulldozer came  They heaped red earth on your waste While you still breathed  Preferring “their dam” they buried you alive But where Is their dam? Let’s swim together with Fulani cattle Whose paths plunged through our buried hearts? Through our treasured tickets Making deserts of them…. The stench of their dung Chasing our wild treasure to a wilder wild Right here where I stand now  Was your very heart…….stream of our forefathers? The depth no one dared to swim Where do I meet my ancestors? Si
DISBURSEMENT FOR SCHOLARSHIP Post from October 15, 2023 Last week, we were reached out to last week for the scholarship of 18 kids in the primary school in Akpegede. Preparations to replace those who have graduated already began and we were able to finalise on Friday. We have sent the cash amount to cover for the payment of the beneficiaries as at this evening. The beneficiaries are: Primary 1 1. Ochanya Inalegwu 2. Ehi Ezekiel 3. Victor Mark Primary 2 1. Obed Onuminya 2. Benjamin Moses 3. Okwoli Emmanuel Primary 3 1. John Onyilo  2. Okopi Oyifioda 3. Dominion Ajonye Primary 4 1. Joy Omenka 2. Inalegwu Miracle 3. Akuku Joy Primary 5  1. Isabella Ocheche 2. Treasure Mark 3. Samuel Isaac Primary 6  1. Ochanya Onyilo 2. Godwin Terve  3. Varna Nijime We are currently making arrangements for the official presentation of the amount at the school tomorrow by the grace of God. We appeal to all of you to help us reach out to the parents of these kids to get them are that their payment have been


🤸‍♂️🤸‍♀️DADDY IS HOME🤾🤾‍♂️ Recently, I got a rare break from work because of the election that just took place. I decided to to invest the biggest chunk of it into my family because I’m a familist. I never knew I had that much to learn from my family as the demands of work had rather made me a visitor. The first expression of the first three days was that of a shock. My daughter was really surprised to wake up and find me in bed. In her shock, I overheard her ask her mother what was wrong with daddy.🤷‍♂️ On one occasion, the conversation took place in the kitchen from where I could hear them. At another time, the mother laid beside me and it got me wondering. She(my daughter) wouldn’t ask me directly. Perhaps, we weren’t that familiar with each other.🥴 The gifts I seldom squeezed some change to get her and the brief play before bedtime, which lacked the taste and texture of father-daughter real intimacy for her age was evidently inadequate. ❌ I had to brainstorm to effect the nee


LET ME SHARE THIS WITH YOU Any time there is anything in you, or around you such as favour, financial blessings, wealth, good and thriving health, joy or peace in a magnitude capable of attracting glory to God, it upsets the devil and he accuses you before God or accuses God of blessing you so as to continue having your worship or loyalty to Him Check this out: Job 1:8-11 Then the Lord asked Satan, "Have you noticed my servant Job? He is the finest man in all the earth—a man of complete integrity. He fears God and will have nothing to do with evil."  Satan replied to the Lord, "Yes, Job fears God, but not without good reason! You have always protected him and his home and his property from harm. You have made him prosperous in everything he does. Look how rich he is! But take away everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face!" GOD, IN ORDER TO PROVE HIMSELF AS JUST, (not because he needs to prove himself to anyone) can decide a test for y

Trades in crime

I have seen Deborah's gruesome murder, the battering, mutilation and burning of her deceased body. There was no justification for the act besides the mere satisfaction of some people's inhuman and insatiable thirst for blood and criminality. Now, it is Harirat and her four children. I don't believe it's in the name of God or on the behalf of Christians. The perpetrators know well enough not to act in the name of God or the body of Christ, or even market, or create hash tags for their crime in a bid to galvanise for support.  When people are killed and in certain ways for certain reasons. It is definitely painful and heart-wrecking. It is normal to see the reactions now; the name-calling and finger-pointing. The nature of this crime in itself is an aberration in the community where it was committed even though worse things are becoming commonplace in the nation.  Thank you leaders and elder statesmen who have condemned this in strong terms. Investigations mus