The rainy season used to be a good and memorable season in the village before this new life. Before the season, boys; young and old would clear farmlands for farmers. This is to allow the grasses to rot into the soil thus fertilizing it, awaiting the wet season. When the wet season comes, it would be time for tilling. The boys, young and old would cultivate the lands for the farmers and receive their pay. When the farms begin to grow grasses, the female, young and old, weed the farms and are paid. Sometimes, they form groups; each person collecting a given piece of job as a contract and negotiating the payment with the owner. Then they start the work one after another. The money from each finished job goes to the pocket of the contractor who had collected the job. He could then buy whatever he needed or put a portion in a pool (save) in preparation for the great “ Eje-Alekwu ”, Easter or Christmas celebration which were always accompanied by one or the other cult...