Do you know that you can have plenty of money and still go hungry? 
You can be in water and still be thirsty. 

The U.S dollar for instance, is one of highest currency, a benchmark for measuring the value of money as far as the world economy is concerned presently. But imagine yourself in a local market, with plenty of dollars on you.

This is a place where there's no bureau de change; where you cannot change your dollar into naira. 

The local sellers have no use for the dollar because they live their lives on the local hard currency they earn every day from selling their wares. 

What do you think your dollars be to you in a place like that? A bunch of papers don't you think? 

Some of the sellers may even pick a quarrel with you as they'd feel mocked. 

This exemplifies the life of the biblical prodigal son. He had all he could ever need back home but had decided to sojourn into a foreign land where life had turned him into a mere slave, struggling for food with pigs. 

His bizarre condition was only because he was outside of the economy of his father, who had everything he  could ever need, including servants. 

So also has redemption from the shackles of sin, death and eternal damnation been magnanimously given humanity by God through the personality of Jesus his son. 

You must need understand that salvation as far as humanity is concerned is accessible only through Jesus no matter how painful that sounds to you.

Realise you can do no good that can qualify you for it. But the blood of an innocent Christ, who knew no sin has been shed to purchase this priceless treasure for you. 

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: Ephesians 1:3

Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12

For the prodigal son, suddenly and luckily, it struck him that he might still have but a shot at a better life with his rich dad, even if he lose his sonship and privileges. 

This is my point: If you are a child of God or think so, and you are yet to properly appropriate the essence of the coming, the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ which we commemorate in this celebration called Easter, you are like a person, no matter how big, puffed up with imaginary riches and walking about in a local market with your dollar notes. Buying will be hard for you, if not impossible

By "properly appropriate" I mean understanding or coming to the knowing that of all the millions of people in this world that Jesus died for, he died specifically for you. Yes, you. You come to where your sins and surrender to him as the only one who can forgive you, and make you whole and ready for life with him.  This is the beginning of a life in Christ. 

In Isaiah 55: 1, God threw an IV;
Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.

It is in accepting Jesus through the spirit of God that we have access to the life in Christ, the peace, the love, the provision, the abundance, the forgiveness of sins, the grace, the freedom from sin and the coming eternal damnation that awaits all who rejeect Him. 

So come, exchange your dollar for money, buy, eat and be filled. 
The fountain of life is still flowing.

Happy Easter celebration.


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