Trades in crime

I have seen Deborah's gruesome murder, the battering, mutilation and burning of her deceased body. There was no justification for the act besides the mere satisfaction of some people's inhuman and insatiable thirst for blood and criminality.

Now, it is Harirat and her four children. I don't believe it's in the name of God or on the behalf of Christians. The perpetrators know well enough not to act in the name of God or the body of Christ, or even market, or create hash tags for their crime in a bid to galvanise for support. 

When people are killed and in certain ways for certain reasons. It is definitely painful and heart-wrecking. It is normal to see the reactions now; the name-calling and finger-pointing.

The nature of this crime in itself is an aberration in the community where it was committed even though worse things are becoming commonplace in the nation. 

Thank you leaders and elder statesmen who have condemned this in strong terms. Investigations must not take too long so that justice will be served quickly. 

It is worth stating that we all must rise with the confidence to call crimes by their names and call criminals what they are. 
That was the painful side in some cases where so-called clerics come out to praise and declare their  unalloyed support for criminals and criminality either in defence of religion or keep mute for political reasons. 

To those who condemned this act, whether political leaders, religious leaders or concerned citizens. We must thank you for having the decency to do so in our society where crime is fast becoming a trade. 

The human life is sacred and crimes involving taking of human lives remain abominable no matter who is involved or for what reason it is committed. 


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